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Rise in Malibu

What Our Clients & Their Loved Ones Say About Us

Rise in Malibu Testimonials

Find out why Rise in Malibu has an average rating of 4.8 stars from online reviews and why we are your best choice in addiction treatment.

live a happier, healthier life at rise in malibu

We're With You for Life at Rise in Malibu

Successful, sustainable recovery requires systems to help support and maintain the tools, new understanding, and motivations for recovery that each client has acquired and committed to while in residential treatment.
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Rise in Malibu believes that recovery is possible for anyone who seeks it. We provide each client with the tools and therapies needed in order to overcome addiction for good. Long-term, sustainable recovery is our ultimate goal. Don’t get lost in a crowd at other facilities, at Rise in Malibu your recovery is the focus.



Rise in Malibu, was the perfect solution for me. It was the delicate balance/mix of tough love and empathy in a non-judgmental forum that sets Rise apart. My relationships with the staff members became as equally important and intertwined as my relationships with the other members of the house. This unique mix created a safe and supportive environment that was so important and needed as I prepared to pick myself up from “my bottom”. As reluctant as I was to leave such a formative place I knew I was leaving with supportive relationships, renewed strength, and a skill set that if applied correctly will last me a lifetime in every aspect of my life. Thank you, Rise in Malibu!


Brett D.


Rise Malibu was one of the best experiences of my life even more than just for addiction and recovery! The facility felt like I was living in my own home! The staff was the best I have ever been around! They are family now! The program part of Rise was very helpful for me and exactly what I needed to get me back to the man I want to be! Thank you is what you say to people who hold the door open for you, but saying thank you to Rise is not enough because this place gave me back my life and gave me a life worth living for!!  I’m forever grateful for Rise!


Rob L.


Where do I begin? When there are so many special things about Rise, to talk about. When asked by my sweet and smart Kimmi, “ What was my most useful part of the Rise program?" It was a tough decision, but I valued the EMDR sessions with April the most. It allowed me to dig really deep inside myself and recognize the root cause and contributors to my addition. Dr. Mark was instrumental in my recovery and Hands down the coolest therapist on this planet. During my 30 day journey.......  I discovered and learned so much about my addiction and what triggered me to consume large quantities of alcohol and the tools I required in order to cope with it during my aftercare plan. The owners Patrick and Ron were very hands-on and truly care about your recovery. As of today I’m 41 days sober and feeling stronger every day. The facility and accommodations are top “shelf” lol pun intended. But that’s just the cherry on top and reward for the intense regiment of sessions and reprogramming of my own outlook on my alcoholism. I feel really blessed and honored to have met so many wonderful people at RISE Malibu. I can honestly say that they saved my relationship, my family and my life. I will forever remember my extended family and life long friends at RISE. If you are ready to quit your addiction, I highly recommend this program.



After failing multiple times from prior treatment experiences, Rise was here to help pick me back up. From the initial phone call with the admissions department up until the time I walked through the front door, someone from Rise was there holding my hand the entire way. Once admitted I went through the detox process, which staff was very attentive to ensure my safety and comfort. I realized after detox how broken and beat up I really was, alcohol had taken me to a level of self-hate I had not experienced before, and felt like I was already dead. I didn't love myself, wasn't caring for myself, and wasn't even able to get myself to eat but through the course of my 30 days what I found is that when I wasn't able to love myself, the staff at Rise was here to love me and teach me how to love myself. I learned how to self-nurture and attend to self-care with a well balanced diet, exercise routine, mindfulness skills. The facility has excellent staff to client ratio, with many one on one sessions as well as a cohesive intimate peer group. The setting and environment allowed for me to feel safe enough to make myself vulnerable and begin to heal. It is hard for me to put into words my experience at Rise, but I don't think I would have been able to heal anywhere else but here. I am leaving Rise filled with faith, hope and love, with a solid aftercare plan and variety of tools that will help foster my goal of long-term recovery.


From the moment you walk in the door you are well taken care of by a professional family orientated staff. They do everything within their power to make you feel at home and put your needs as a priority throughout your entire stay. Giving you tools and expertise that should benefit you from the moment you walk out the door. This program is intimate and individualized enough to benefit a variety of people. Ps. the staff and cooks rocks!!


My experience at Rise was like being at home away from home. I benefited from the physical mental and spiritual approach to the program. Rise was worth the investment and I feel like the product has led me to feel excited about life while also allowing me to find my true self. Without Rise I don't know where I would be.
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