Is There Rehab for Mental Health Disorders?

When you hear the word “rehab,” you likely think of treatment for addiction. However, rehab isn’t just for those struggling with addiction. Rehab for mental health disorders is available to help those struggling with mental illness. Although attending therapy sessions or joining a support group can help better manage your mental illness symptoms, you may benefit from more comprehensive care at a rehab for mental health disorders if you are struggling with a severe case of mental illness. 

At Rise in Malibu, we are a luxury drug rehab committed to providing patients with the best possible care to live happier, healthier lives. We offer a range of drug and alcohol treatment options so you can effectively overcome your addiction and better manage your mental illness symptoms to live a better quality of life. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you on your road to recovery. 

Signs You Should Seek Rehab Treatment

According to the CDC, more than 1 in 5 US adults lives with a mental illness. Mental illness can significantly reduce your health and quality of life and fracture relationships with loved ones. However, it’s important to understand that there are varying levels of severity when it comes to mental illness. For example, individuals struggling with mild to moderate depression may benefit from attending weekly therapy sessions/routine depression treatment. Or, an individual struggling with moderate PTSD may benefit from receiving PTSD treatment and seeing a psychiatrist who may prescribe them with medication to better manage their symptoms. 

However, if you are struggling with a more severe level of mental illness, it can be extremely difficult to seek treatment for your mental illness while still having to keep up with your everyday life and responsibilities. Therefore, if you are struggling with a more severe case of mental illness, you may benefit from seeking treatment from rehab for mental health disorders. This way, you’ll be able to receive comprehensive care to best manage your mental illness while devoting your undivided attention to your recovery journey.

Below are some common signs you may benefit from seeking treatment from rehab for mental illness.

  • Your mental health disorder is negatively impacting your work or school performance.
  • You are abusing drugs or alcohol as a means to cope with your mental illness.
  • Your everyday activities and obligations are becoming too overwhelming.
  • You are having suicidal thoughts. 

Benefits of Seeking Treatment From A Mental Health Rehab

If you suspect you are struggling with a more severe form of mental illness, you should consider seeking help from a rehab for mental health disorders. Rehabs offer comprehensive care and support for you to safely and effectively manage your mental health symptoms and improve your health and quality of life for the better.

Below are some of the benefits of seeking treatment at a rehab for mental health disorders.

Comprehensive Care

Rehabs for mental illness offer a more comprehensive approach to effectively manage your mental health symptoms. Many rehabs offer a range of treatment programs and services, from one-on-one therapy sessions to support groups and more, so you can receive the best possible care to recover.

Undivided Attention

It can be difficult to seek treatment for your mental health disorder while simultaneously having to balance work, school, and other personal responsibilities. Rehab offers you the opportunity to devote all of your attention to your recovery journey. 


A rehab will provide you with structure and routine to ensure you are effectively progressing along your recovery journey.

Sense of Community

Mental illness can be very isolating. At rehab, you’ll gain a sense of community that you aren’t alone in your fight to manage your mental illness symptoms. 

Expert Mental Health Professionals

Last but not least, rehabs for mental health disorders have compassionate, expert mental health professionals who are there to help you every step of the way on your recovery journey.

Help Is Available 

You should never feel ashamed asking for help for your mental health disorder. Mental health rehabs offer patients the ability to fully immerse themselves in their recovery to live a healthier, more balanced life. 

At Rise in Malibu, we are committed to providing comprehensive treatment options so patients can receive the right care for their recovery. We offer a range of treatment services, from traditional to alternative therapies, so you can receive the personalized treatment best for you.

Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you on your recovery journey.

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