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Rise in Malibu

How To Rebuild Your Self-Esteem In Sobriety

Substance abuse addiction is hard, recovery is harder, so many recovering from substance abuse wonder how they are going to conquer the ability to build their self-esteem in sobriety.

One thing to remember is that God does not make junk. We are all made with a purpose in life including you. You must find that purpose and expand on it to realize joy, fulfillment,  and contentment in life. Self-esteem demands you have an element of confidence and a lot of satisfaction with yourself for who you are and what your purpose in life entails.

Substance abuse, whether alcohol or drugs, causes you to lose self-esteem and worth. You have the freedom to make choices in life. Did you lose your self-esteem through poor choices? We have found that through the recovery process from drug addiction, many people start to feel better physically, emotionally, and spiritually, thus they start to regain some self-esteem.

Self-esteem must be learned, encouraged, and grown throughout life through excelling in various activities and situations. You gain self-esteem in many ways. Some of these ways are,

  • Your interaction with family members, especially your parents, and your friends
  • Interactions with others, such as team members
  • Teachers throughout your school-days
  • Jobs and recognition for a job well done
  • Being a team member and scoring that vital last point

It takes a lot of help from others for guidance and nurturing to enhance confidence and overcome obstacles in life. Drug abuse is all about the flip side of positives such as you suddenly or gradually discovered you have no self-esteem. You may feel like you’re a worthless individual and your life is worthless, not worth living.

Drugs damage the neurons in your brain. Drugs change your body chemistry. Your brain is responsible for the way you feel, beliefs, your mood, your emotions, your thoughts, your behavior, your ability to get up and get going. When addicted to drugs your brain is affected to the point that all these positives become outstanding and overwhelming negatives in your life. Constant, negative thoughts go hand-in-hand with substance abuse.

Your thought process is overwhelming while you are taking drugs, including alcohol. You may feel worthless, grief, and certainly, depression overshadows your very being. Your self-esteem takes a nose dive into thoughts such as, how dumb you are and how bad of a person you have become since taking the drugs.

Due to the effect that drugs have on your brain’s neurons, your decision-making is not the best. You tend to make harmful, rash decisions. Decisions that seem wise are not wise at all, such as someone trying to tell you, you have a drug problem and you adamantly deny a drug problem and become angry when they interfere in your life.

When drug addiction takes over your life you tend to forget or forego simple and necessary things in life such as personal hygiene. You need money to support your substance abuse because drugs give you an element of pleasure and satisfaction in spite of the short-term pleasures.

Poor decision-making may involve breaking some laws to support your addiction, such as stealing, lying, and cheating. In your mind, breaking the law is okay, because it is necessary to keep you from going into withdrawal.

All of these phases of drug addiction deplete your self-esteem to the point that you believe you are not worthy of help such as the help that we can give you as an inpatient in rehab recovery.

Build-up Your Self Esteem

Contrary to your thought process which is not good while going through addiction, rehab slowly works to build up your self-esteem as you realize daily sobriety. Rehab teaches and guides you back to a reality that you are worth something and are a valuable part of society after rehab. Rehab teaches you life skills for coping. Recovery from drug addiction means you once again can make wise decisions because your mind is healing and becoming clearer. Everyone has boundaries in life, but while you were addicted you probably did not recognize these boundaries, now you do. The negative thoughts you had during addiction is being taken over by more positive thoughts and behaviors. You pick and chose your friends and family members who are only going to help raise, inspire your self-esteem and support you in a positive manner.

Rise in Malibu a Wise Decision

Rise in Malibu is a brand-new luxury drug rehab program located in Malibu, just off the cliffs of the Pacific Ocean. Our rehab program teaches you the changes you must make in your behavior that raises your self-esteem and makes you know that you are a worthy and valuable individual. Being an inpatient at Rise in Malibu gives you a chance to get away from negative influences in your life. We never enable you we work with you, support you, and guide you to an elevated level of self-esteem.

We teach you how to concentrate on you. We reteach you how to be responsible and how to answer to yourself. Once you graduate from our program and enter a life of drug-free living, you experience a mind free from drugs, clear thinking, a wise choice maker, with positive behaviors and mood. We show you how to live life to the fullest, enjoying every minute including the downs in life. After rehab family and friends and staff here at Rise in Malibu are with you as you start your journey of clean, healthy, drug-free living.

Give us a call today at  866-229-5267 and get on the right road with renewed self-esteem and drug-free living. We want to help you.
Our location is,

Rise in Malibu Rehab Center
27551 Pacific Coast Highway
Malibu, CA 90265
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Aimee Runyon, RADT

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